If you would like us to read your script, fill out the google form linked below.

It asks you for some basic information about yourself: your name, your email address, how you prefer to be contacted, the name of your play, and how you’d like to answer the remaining questions: in writing, audio or video format.

There are also optional questions including your phone number, where you are based, and how you heard about FREE HAND.

We will then ask you four questions:

1) What is your script about? Give us a sense of story, form, themes, vibe, message - anything you think sums up what you’re writing about.

2) Why would you like us to read your script? It’s helpful to know why you want to work with us, and what you’re hoping to achieve for the script. We’re most interested in your needs as an artist - especially money, time, and access to professional networks.

3) What is your experience of writing so far, in any medium? You do not need to be a produced playwright, or even a playwright at all for this scheme - but it’s helpful for us to know where your script sits in the context of you as an artist.

4) Tell us anything else you think we need to know before reading your script. This could include what stage it’s at, how long you’ve been working on it, what your long and short term goals for the script are (including any deadlines), and anything else.

You can answer these questions in written form, or submit audio or video answers. You don’t need to say loads - just what you think might be helpful to show us why you’re asking us to read your script.

There is also an option to provide a sample of your reading or links to your website or previous work, if you think this would help us get a better sense of you as an artist.